Income determination for spousal maintenance and child support
Business valuations
Separate property tracing
Community waste claims
Marital standard of living (lifestyle analysis)
Stock option analysis
Income tax issues related to a divorce
Community interest in residences
Services to Assist at Trial or Other Proceedings
Trial testimony as an expert witness.
Sitting down with you and reviewing financial documents to help you better understand the financial picture of the issue at hand in your divorce proceedings.
Assisting you in the preparation of deposition and/or cross examination questions related to financial issues.
Help prepare subpoenas to ensure that the necessary documents are requested.
Working with you to prepare concise, easy to follow Exhibits that better explain your position or rebut the opposing side’s position on financial issues.
Assist with the preparation of Court required financial filings.
Attend Meetings, Depositions, Settlement Conferences or Trial to be there to confer with you on financial issues as they arise.
If you are a Mediator/Arbitrator or Conciliator, we can be present to help you obtain a complete understanding of the financial issues at hand.
Contact Us
Cantor Forensic Accounting, PLLC
3990 East Riggs Road, Chandler, Arizona 85249, United States